Gunung Irau Climb - An Adventure in Wonderland
Tale by: Albert85
TGIF, a long wait for the PSG mountaineers, it was a work-worn-out week –climb at last. All are set, bags are packed and spirits are lifted when all participants gather in the Golden Mile Complex in Beach Rd. Smiles filled their faces as newbies and formers were introduced with one common goal –to reach the top.
The coach left the terminal around 1030PM, reached Tuas checkpoint after 45minutes travel. Everyone alighted to exit the Singapore immigration, bags carried until the entry to Malaysian border. It was surprising that not much of the climbers got a ballpen at hand. Spent more than half an hour in the MY checkpoint signing and doin pranks with each other.
Again all tucked their bags and boarded the bus. Some fell asleep, some watched the movie on board, some drinking vodka at the back.. The 10-hour ride in the Malaysian expressway seems endless for the excited sleeping group. Everyone was almost awake due to the zigzag motion of the bus. As dawn came, all were looking onto their windows and imagining the countryside and comparing the view with that from the Philippine provinces. It was then that they realized that they were almost near the town of Cameron Highlands.
The bus reached Brinchang Terminal at 800AM. The group ended eating a fair breakfast on a local Indian shop, munching prata, bread and some fresh strawberries and drinking coffee.
They were fetched by 3 4X4 jeeps, to which everyone was so thrilled to ride the almost Harabas jeep look alike. 30 minutes from the town to the jump-off point was an unforgettable experience.
A town filled with strawberry and tea plantation, the view from every angle from the mountains overlooking the town is exhilarating. Hills carved like the rice terraces, some with foggy tops -a sight some might say comparable to Baguio or Tagaytay.
When the group reached the jump-off point, some planned to go to the telecoms area for a quick sightseeing before heading to the trail. Everyone got a good vibe to what is ahead. On the telecom tower, one can almost have a 360degree view of the mountain range. Also, from the tower a mass of fog or cloud came to surround it making almost everyone wrap his or her arms due to coldness.
As everyone was ready, a prayer was said and then the climb begun. Excitement can be seen to everyone’s faces and grins. Sidewinded on the starting trail with an under construction pathway, walk over mossy mud and trees, hit own legs to a fallen trunk, do a ‘patintero’ style of walking along mud filled tracks, grabbing onto slimy tree branches to gain balance, crawled over and under a mossy fallen log. Some ended up shoes totally filled with mud, some get the major prize having mud knee high, some were lucky to see the previous soaked footprints and were able to choose a different steping point. Trial and error was observed. Good and fast decision-making was practiced. From the whole group starting the climb it then came to smaller groups. Buddies were helping each other and waiting for each other, a good bonding moment for everyone.
The first group to reach the peak setup camp and started cooking meals. They made a small canopy and cooking area. As the next group arrived they rest and setup their tents respectively. Helped on the preparation of the foods and fixture of camp. Shoes were put into one place –all filled with mud. As everyone reached the top, loud cheering and congratulations were heard.
It was a blessing rather than good timing that after the setup of camp the rain poured. Making everybody chill to the cold, everyone did whatever they can do to be warm. Some used jackets, some used their blankets, some used nothing(topless, hehe), some went in the tents and some used the best thing yet –alcohol.
They never saw the beauty of the sunset on the peak due to the cloudy weather, but were contented that everyone was all enjoying dinner and none hurt.
Hours being soaked in the rain passed, soon it stopped everyone thankful. Another unexpected and new experience indeed. Everyone helped each other to clean up the and ready for the night. Lights were lit and a small portion of the summit was brighter. The majority enjoyed shots of tequila, vodka and cognac while some enjoyed the chats. It was time for everyone to know each other. It was indeed a great introduction by everyone.
The night passed. Some slept well, some slept a bit and some didn’t sleep at all. It was a very cold night at the peak, ranging from 15degrees to below 12degrees coldest. It was 315AM that the wake up call was heard. Most should get packed and must start trekking downhill in the midst of the darkness. Tents were folded, trash were bagged, the peak must be clean before leaving. At 5AM, group-by-group they trekked the cold, foggy and mossy jungle. Headlights and flashlights can be seen through the dark –it was pitch black without. The trail was wet and the moist was really damp and cold. Each step was made with caution and precision, as a slight mistake might mean injury.
After an hour and a half of trek sunrise was along the way. Made the trek faster and safer. The first group to reach the jump-off point was driven to the town. They showered, cleaned up and waited for the following groups to reach the town. All were fine as everyone was already washed up and ready to leave around 1200noon.
Another Gunung climb, truly uncomparable. A great experience to learn from and another moment to cherish. Not a dejavu but reality. Great things happen in life that can be shared for generations.
The Magic 25:
albert85, Super_Pinay, Roura, Charlotte, Rhysthel, Fafi, Popony, Pol, Zen, Kismoder, Jai,
Tatamakata, PainintheAss, Blade, Mudvayne, Lady_Anarchy, Tere, Trishe, Sandy,
Dhes, StabiloBoss, Ardie, Silverchair, Gits, JungleBoy